2. RARE Bettie Page 1954 Camera Negative Photo Bunny Yeager Nude Pin Up
Item History & Price
PROVENANCE: This offered item is authentic original coming directly from the archive of iconic 20th Century photographer BUNNY YEAGER, which is now owned by GRAPEFRUIT MOON GALLERY. Bunny Yeager is known as the one of the greatest pin-up and self-portrait photographers of her century. CLASSICPINUPS is owned by Ebay seller MyMovieMemorabilia (100% feedback & over 5, 000 sales) and is the only third party authorized seller by Grapefruit Moon Gall...ery offering Bunny Yeager vintage original camera negatives/transparencies and photographic images. A large portion of Bunny's archive has been left virtually untouched for almost 60 years. Many images are unpublished and have never been seen before.
A Certificate of Authenticity for this item will be included with the shipment
COPYRIGHT: Copyright is owned by GRAPEFRUIT MOON GALLERY. If the winner of a camera negative or transparency wishes to acquire the ownership of copyright for this item the cost will be an additional $100.00 payable directly to Grapefruit Moon Gallery. Please send a direct message to us within 10 days after this auction has ended advising us of your desire to acquire the copyright. Grapefruit Moon Gallery will then contact you directly with information on a new listing for the copyright purchase.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
DESCRIPTION: EXTREMELY RARE & REMARKABLE - FIRST TIME EVER OFFERED ! Vintage 1954 unpublished version - iconic pin-up model BETTIE PAGE 2 1/4" 120 MM camera negative taken by photographer BUNNY YEAGER coming directly from her personal archive. There is a handwritten file number in india ink on the side. (We are displaying a positive view of this negative so you can see what it looks like).
- SIZE: approx. 2 1/4" X 2 1/4" (120 MM)
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(April 22, 1923 ? December 11, 2008) was anAmerican model who became famous in the 1950s for her pin-up photos. Oftenreferred to as the "Queen of Pinups", her jet black hair, blue eyes, and trademark bangs have influenced artists for generations.Page was "Miss January1955", one of the earliestPlaymates of the Month for Playboy magazine. "I think that she wasa remarkable lady, an iconic figurein pop culture who influenced sexuality, taste in fashion, someone who had atremendous impact on our society, "Playboy founder Hugh Hefner told the Associated Press.In 1959, Page converted to evangelical Christianity and went on to work for BillyGraham. The latter part of her life was marked by depression, violent mood swings, and several years in a state psychiatric hospital. After years of obscurity, she experienced a resurgence of popularity in the1980s.Page was the second of sixchildren born to Walter Roy Page and Edna Mae Pirtle. At a young age, Page had to face the responsibilities of caringfor her younger siblings. Her parents divorced when she was 10 years old. (Inthe 1930 Census, a few weeks beforeBettie's 7th birthday, her motherEdna Pirtle Page was already listed as being divorced. After her father, whom Page would accuse of molesting her startingat age 13, was imprisoned, Page and her two sisters lived in an orphanage fora year. During this time, Page'smother worked two jobs, one as ahairdresser during the day and washing laundry at night. As a teenager, Page and her sisters tried different makeup stylesand hairdos imitating their favorite movie stars. She also learned to sew.These skills proved useful years later for her pin-up photography when Page didher own makeup and hair and made her own bikinis and costumes. During her earlyyears, the Page family traveledaround the country in search of economic stability. A good student and debate teammember at Hume-Fogg High School, she was voted "Most Likely to Succeed".On June 6, 1940, Page graduated as the salutatorian of her highschool class with a scholarship. She enrolled at George Peabody College, with the intention of becoming a teacher. However, the next fall she began studying acting, hoping to become a movie star. At the same time, she got her first job, typing for author Alfred Leland Crabb. Page graduated from Peabody with a Bachelor of Arts degree in1944.In 1943, she married high school classmate Billy Neal in a simple courthouse ceremonyshortly before he was drafted into the Navy for World War II. For the next fewyears, she moved from San Francisco to Nashvilleto Miami and to Port-au-Prince, Haiti, where she felt a special affinity with the countryand its culture. In November 1947, back in the United States, she filed for divorce. Following her divorce, Page worked briefly in San Francisco, and in Haiti. In 1949, she moved to New York City, where she hoped to find work as an actress. In the meantime, she supported herself by working as a secretary.In 1950, while walking along the Coney Island shore, she met Jerry Tibbs, a policeofficer with an interest in photography. She was a willing model, and Tibbs took pictures of her and put togetherher first pinup portfolio. In late-1940s America, "camera clubs" were formed to circumventlaws restricting the production of nude photos. These clubs existed, ostensibly, to promote artistic photography; but in reality, many were merely fronts for the making of pornography. Page entered the fieldof "glamour photography" as a popular camera club model, working initially with photographer Cass Carr. Herlack of inhibition in posing made her a hit. Her name and image became quicklyknown in the erotic photography industry; in 1951, her image appeared in men's magazines such as Wink, Titter, Eyefull and BeautyParade. From 1952 through 1957, she posed for photographer Irving Klaw formail-order photographs with pin-up, bondage or sadomasochistic themes, making her the first famous bondage model. Klaw also used Page in dozens ofshort, black-and-white 8mm and 16mm"specialty" films, whichcatered to specific requests from his clientele. These silent featurettesshowed women clad in lingerie and high heels, acting out fetishistic scenarios of abduction, domination, and slave-training;bondage, spanking, and elaborate leather costumes and restraints wereincluded periodically. Page alternated between playing a stern dominatrix, and a helpless victim bound hand and foot. Klawalso produced a line of still photos taken during these sessions. Some havebecome iconic images, such as hishighest-selling photo of Page?shown gagged and bound in a web of ropes, from the film Leopard Bikini Bound.Although these "underground" features had the same crude style andclandestine distribution as the pornographic "stag" films of the time, Klaw's all-female films (and still photos) neverfeatured any nudity or explicit sexual content.In 1953, Page took acting classes at the Herbert Berghof Studio, which led to several roles on stage and television. She appeared on TheUnited States Steel Hour and The Jackie Gleason Show. HerOff-Broadway productions included Time is a Thief and Sunday CostsFive Pesos. Page acted and danced in the feature-length burlesque revuefilm Striporama by Jerald Intrator. She was given a brief speaking role, the only time her voice has been captured on film.She then appeared in two more burlesque films by Irving Klaw (Teaseramaand Varietease). These featured exotic dance routines and vignettes byPage and well-known striptease artists Lili St. Cyr and Tempest Storm. Allthree films were mildly risque, butnone showed any nudity or overtly sexual content.In 1954, during one of her annual vacations to Miami, Florida, Page met photographers Jan Caldwell, H. W. Hannau and Bunny Yeager. At that time, Page was the top pin-up model in New York. Yeager, a former model and aspiring photographer, signed Page for a photo session at the now-closed wildlife park Africa USA in Boca Raton, Florida. The Jungle Bettiephotographs from this shoot are among her most celebrated. They include nudeshots with a pair of cheetahs named Mojah and Mbili. The leopard skin patternedJungle Girl outfit she wore was made, along with much of her lingerie, byPage herself. A large collection of the Yeager photos, and Klaw's, were published in thebook Bettie Page Confidential (St. Martin's Press, 1994).After Yeager sent shots of Pageto Playboy founder Hugh Hefner, he selected one to use as the Playmate of the Month centerfold in the January1955 issue of the two-year-old magazine. The famous photo shows Page, wearing only a Santa hat, kneeling before a Christmas tree holding an ornament and playfully winking atthe camera.In 1955, Page won the title "Miss Pinup Girl of the World". She also becameknown as "The Queen of Curves" and "The Dark Angel". Whilepin-up and glamour models frequently have careers measured in months, Page was in demand for several years, continuing to model until 1957. Although shefrequently posed nude, she neverappeared in scenes with explicit sexual content.In 1957, Page gave "expert guidance" to the FBI regarding the production of"flagellation and bondage pictures" in Harlem.The reasons reported for herdeparture from modeling vary. Some reports mention the Kefauver Hearingsof the United States Senate Special Committee to Investigate Crime inInterstate Commerce (after a young man apparently died during a session ofbondage which was rumored to be inspired by bondage images featuring Page).However, the most obvious reason forending her modeling career and severing all contact with her prior life was herconversion to born-again Christianity while living in Key West, Florida. in 1959. Photographer Sam Menning was thelast person to photograph a pin-up of Page before her retirement. On New Year's Eve 1958, during one of her regular visits to Key West, Florida Page attended a service at what is now the Key West Temple Baptist Church. She found herselfdrawn to the multiracial environment and started to attend on a regular basis.She would in time attend three bible colleges, including the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Multnomah School of the Bible in Portland, Oregon and, briefly, a Christian retreat known as "Bibletown", part of the Boca Raton Community Church, Boca Raton, Florida.She dated industrial designerRichard Arbib in the 1950s. She then married Armond Walterson in 1958; theydivorced in 1963. During the 1960s, she attempted to become a Christian missionary in Africa, butwas rejected for having had a divorce. Over the next few years she worked forvarious Christian organizations before settling in Nashville in 1963. She worked full-time forRev. Billy Graham. She briefly remarried Billy Neal, her first husband, who helped her to gain entrance into missionary work; however, the two divorced again shortly thereafter. Shereturned to Floridain 1967, and married again, to Harry Lear, but this marriage also ended in divorce in 1972. She moved to Southern California in 1979. There she had a nervous breakdown and had analtercation with her landlady. The doctors who examined her diagnosed her withacute schizophrenia, and she spent20 months in a state mental hospital in San Bernardino, California. After a fight with anotherlandlord she was arrested for assault, but was found not guilty by reason of insanity and placed under statesupervision for eight years. She was released in 1992 from Patton StateHospital in San Bernardino County.A cult following was built aroundher during the 1980s, of which shewas unaware. This renewed attention was focused on her pinup and lingeriemodeling rather than those depicting sexual fetishes or bondage, and she gained a certain public redemption andpopular status as an icon of erotica from a bygone era. This attention alsoraised the question among her new fans of what happened to her after the 1950s.The 1990s edition of the popular Book of Lists included Page in a listof once-famous celebrities who had seemingly vanished from the public eye.In 1976, Eros Publishing Co. published A Nostalgic Look at Bettie Page, a mixture of photos from the 1950s. Between 1978and 1980, Belier Press publishedfour volumes of Betty Page: Private Peeks, reprinting pictures from the private camera club sessions, which reintroduced Page to a new but small cult following. In 1983, London Enterprises released In Praise of BettiePage ? A Nostalgic Collector's Item, reprinting camera club photos and an old cat fight photo shoot.In the 70's, artists Eric Stanton, Robert Blueand Olivia De Berardinis were among the first to start painting Bettie images.In 1979 artist Robert Blue had a show in LA at a gallery on Melrose "Steps Into Space" where heshowed his collection of Bettie Page paintings. At that time in New York artist OliviaDe Berardinis had begun painting Bettie for Italian jean manufacturer Fiorucci.Olivia has continued to paint Bettie, culminating in a book collecting this artwork "Bettie Page by Olivia"published by Ozone Productions, Ltd.in 2006, with a foreword by HughHefner. By the mid 80's Olivia would notethat women began to frequent her gallery openings sporting Bettie bangs, fetish clothing and tattoos of Ms.Page. Oliviasaid, "Black bangs, seamed stockings and snub nosed 6" stilettos.These are Bettie Page signatures, anyone who dons them wears her crown. Although the fantasy world offetish/bondage existed in some form since the beginning time, Bettie is the iconic figurehead of it all. No starof this genre existed before her. Monroehad predecessors, Bettie didnot." In the early 1980s, comic book artist Dave Stevens based the femalelove interest of his hero Cliff Secord (alias "The Rocketeer") onPage. In 1987, Greg Theakstonstarted a fanzine called The Betty Pages and recounted talesof her life, particularly the cameraclub days. For the next seven years, the magazine sparked a worldwide interest in Page. Women dyed their hair andcut it into bangs in an attempt to emulate the "Dark Angel". Themedia caught wind of the phenomenon and wrote numerous articles about her, more often than not with Theakston's help. Sincealmost all of her photos were in the public domain, opportunists launched related products and cashed in on the burgeoning craze.In a 1993 telephone interviewwith Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous Page told host Robin Leach thatshe had been unaware of the resurgence of her popularity, stating that she was "penniless and infamous". EntertainmentTonight produced a segment on her. Page, who was living in a group home in Los Angeles, was astounded when she saw the E.T. piece, having had no idea that she had suddenly become famous again. Greg Theakstoncontacted her and extensively interviewed her for The Betty Page AnnualsV.2.Shortly after, Page signed with Chicago-based agent JamesSwanson. Three years later, nearlypenniless and failing to receive any royalties, Page fired Swanson and signed with Curtis Management Group, a company which also represented the James Deanand Marilyn Monroe estates. She then began collecting payments which ensuredher financial security.After Jim Silke made a largeformat comic featuring her likeness, Dark Horse Comics published a comic based on her fictional adventures in the1990s. Eros Comics published several Bettie Page titles, the most popular being the tongue-in-cheek Tor Love Bettie whichsuggested a romance between Page and wrestler-turned-Ed Wood film actor, Tor Johnson.The question of what Page did inthe obscure years after modeling was answered in part with the publication ofan official biography in 1996, BettiePage: The Life of a Pin-up Legend. That year, Bettie Page granted an exclusive one-on-one TV interview to entertainmentreporter Tim Estiloz for a short-lived NBC morning magazine program RealLife to help publicize the book. The interview featured her reminiscingabout her career and relating anecdotes about her personal life, as well as photos from her personal collection. AtPage's request, her face was notshown. The interview was broadcast only once.Another biography, The Real Bettie Page: The Truth about the Queenof Pinups written by Richard Foster and published in 1997, told a less happy tale. Foster's book immediatelyprovoked attacks from her fans, including Hefner and Harlan Ellison, as well as a statement from Page that it was "full of lies, " because they were not pleased that the bookrevealed a Los Angeles County Sheriff's police report that stated that shesuffered from paranoid schizophrenia and, at age 56, had stabbed her elderlylandlords on the afternoon of April 19, 1979 in an unprovoked attack during a fit of insanity. However, Steve Brewster, founder of The Bettie Scouts of America fan club, has stated that it is not as unsympathetic as the book's reputation makes it tobe. Brewster adds that he also read the chapter about her business dealingswith Swanson, and stated that Pagewas pleased with that part of her story.In 1997, E! True Hollywood Story aired a feature on Page entitled, Bettie Page: From Pinup to Sex Queen. In a late-1990s interview, Page stated she would not allow any currentpictures of her to be shown because of concerns about her weight. However, in 1997, Page changed her mind and agreed to a rare television interview for theaforementioned E! True Hollywood Story/Pagespecial on the condition that the location of the interview and her face not berevealed (she was shown with her face and dress electronically blacked out). In2003, Page allowed a publicitypicture to be taken of her for the August 2003 edition of Playboy. In2006, the Los Angeles Timesran an article headlined A Golden Age for a Pinup, covering an autographing session at her current publicity company, CMG Worldwide. Once again, she declined to be photographed, saying that she would rather be remembered as she was.In a 1998 interview with Playboy, she commented on her career:I never thought it was shameful.I felt normal. It's just that it was much better than pounding a typewritereight hours a day, which getsmonotonous.Within the last few years, she had hired a law firm to help her recoup someof the profits being made with her likeness. According to MTV: "KatyPerry's rocker bangs and throwback skimpy jumpers. Madonna's Sex bookand fascination with bondage gear. Rihanna's obsession with all things leather, lace and second-skin binding. Uma Thurman in PulpFiction. The SuicideGirls Web site. The Pussycat Dolls. The entire careerof burlesque dancer Dita Von Teese" would not have been possible withoutPage. Many rockabilly and gothic girls emulate Bettie's hairstyle with theblack blunt bangs. You can see Bettie's hairstyle and timeless facial featuresemulated in many modern pin-up models, such as Bernie Dexter and Masuimi Max.In 2011, her estate made the Forbes annual list of top-earning dead celebrities, earning $6 million and tied with the estates ofGeorge Harrison and Andy Warhol, at13th on the list. According to long-time friend andbusiness agent Mark Roesler, onDecember 6, 2008, Bettie Page was hospitalized in criticalcondition. Roesler was quoted by the Associated Press as saying Page hadsuffered a heart attack and by Los Angeles television station KNBC as claiming Page wassuffering from pneumonia. A family friend said Page was in a coma, a claim not denied by Roesler. Her familyeventually agreed to discontinue life support, and she died at 18:41 PST on December 11, 2008. She is buried at Westwood VillageMemorial Park Cemetery. Her headstone lists her name as "Bettie MaePage" and includes the legend "Queen of Pin-Ups".FilmographyStriporama (1953)Varietease (1954)Teaserama (1955)Irving Klaw Bondage Classics, Volume I (London Enterprises, 1984)Irving Klaw Bondage Classics, Volume II (London Enterprises, 1984)Bettie Page: Pin Up Queen (Cult Epics, 2005)Bettie Page: Bondage Queen (Cult Epics, 2005)100 Girls by Bunny Yeager (Cult Epics, 2005)Bizarro Sex Loops, Volume 4 (Something Weird Video, 2007)Bizarro Sex Loops, Volume 20 (Something Weird Video, 2008)A compilation of her burlesquedancing performances from Striporama, Varietease, and Teaseramaplus The Exotic Dances of Bettie Page (13 black-and-white dancing andcat-fight shorts) are on the Cult Epics DVD release Bettie Page: Pin UpQueen.The DVD 100 Girls by BunnyYeager (also by Cult Epics) is a documentary with behind-the-scenes footageon Yeager's photo sessions with Page and other pin-up models. Page also appearsin another set of Irving Klaw bondage reels in Bizarro Sex Loops, Volume 20, a collection of vintage fetish shorts produced by Something Weird Video.In 2004, Cult Epics produced the biographical film Bettie Page: Dark Angel. Thislow-budget straight-to-disc biopic centers on the 1953?1957 Irving Klaw period, faithfully recreating six lost fetish films shedid for Klaw. Model Paige Richards plays the title role.The Notorious Bettie Page (2005) follows her life from themid-1930s through the late-1950s. It stars actress Gretchen Mol as the adultPage. Bonus footage added to the DVD release includes rare color film from the1950s of Page playfully undressing and striking various nude poses for thecamera.In 2012, Bettie Page Reveals All was filmed and premiered, then released nationwide the following year. It was an authorized biographicaldocumentary, by Academy Awardnominated director Mark Mori. The documentary included narration from BettiePage herself, culled from over 6hours of interviews prior to her 2008 death. The film also included commentaryfrom individuals such as Dita Von Teese, Hugh M. Hefner, Rebecca Romijn, Tempest Storm, Bunny Yeager, Paula Klaw, Mamie Van Doren and Naomi Campbell. In 2006, Page and Halo Guitars collaborated to produce a limited edition of customguitars, released at the 2007 WinterNAMM show in southern California.The total run of one hundred guitars was handmade and designed by luthierWaylon Ford, art was designed byPamelina H. and the only collector guitar series authorized by Bettie Page. In popular cultureIn one of his numerous fictional back-page biographical sketches, Harlan Ellison claimed to be "writing a biography of Bettie Page for young adults".Alternative country band BR5-49 recorded an ode to Page named "Bettie, Bettie" on their 1996 debut EP Live From Robert's. In interviews, Page stated that this was her favorite of the songs written about her. The Jazz Butcher included the song "Just Like Betty Page" on the 1984 album, A Scandal in Bohemia, using Page for a simile in the chorus "You have me/As far as I can see/roped and trussed just like dear Betty Page." The BD-3000 luxury droid in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith was inspired by Bettie Page. Beyoncé Knowles pays homage to Bettie Page in her music video for "Video Phone".Swedish concept band DC-Pöbeln (a.k.a. Dagcenterpöbeln) from Örebro put Bettie Page on the cover of their only record Bettan/Dödgrävaren in 1985. In Quentin Tarantino's film Death Proof, Rosario Dawson pays homage to Page with her trademark haircut. In Seattle, Washington, a homeowner became the subject of a short-lived controversy when he had an artist friend paint a large mural of Page on the side of his home. The mural is visible from Interstate 5, just south of the 65th Street exit. In Suda51's video game "Lollipop Chainsaw, " a pre-order downloadable outfit took inspiration from Bettie Page as a pinup girl outfit, and included her signature haircut with bangs. For its Polynesian-inspired Spring-Summer 2011 ready-to-wear collection, French fashion house Christian Dior styled the hair of its models with Bettie Page as inspiration. Cliff Secord's girlfriend Betty in Dave Stevens's comics The Rocketeer purposefully looks much like Bettie Page.(courtesy of Wikipedia)BUNNY YEAGER BIOLinnea Eleanor "Bunny"Yeager (March 13, 1929 ? May 25, 2014) wasan American photographer and pin-up model. Linnea Eleanor Yeager was born inthe Pittsburghsuburb of Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania, to Raymond Conrad and Linnea (née Sherlin) Yeager on March 13, 1926. Her familymoved to Florida in when she was 17. She adopted the nickname "Bunny"from LanaTurner's character Bunny Smith in the 1945 movie Week-End at the Waldorf.The nickname has also been attributed to her portrayal of the Easter Bunny in ahigh school play. She graduated from Miami Edison High Schooland afterwards enrolled at the Coronet Modeling School and Agency. She wonnumerous local beauty pageants including in rapidsuccession Queen of Miami, Florida Orchid Queen, Miss Trailercoach of DadeCounty, Miss Army & Air Force, Miss Personality of Miami Beach, Queen ofthe Sports Carnival and Cheesecake Queen of 1951. Yeager became one of the mostphotographed models in Miami. Photos of Yeager appeared in over 300newspapers and magazines. Yeager also designed and sewed manyof the outfits she and her models wore, at one time boasting that she neverwore the same outfit twice while modeling. She designed and produced hundredsof bikiniswhen the two-piece swimsuit was a new fashion item and is credited with itspopularity in America. Bruno Banani, the German fashion company, has developed a line of swimwear based on Yeager's designs from the 1950s. Yeager entered photography to savemoney by copying her modeling photographs, enrolling in a night class at avocational school in 1953. Her career as a professional photographer began whena picture of Maria Stinger, taken for her first school assignment, was sold to Eyemagazine for the cover of the March 1954 issue. She became a technicallyskilled photographer noted for, among other things, her early use of the fillflash technique to lighten dark shadows when shooting in bright sun.Yeager was one of the first photographers to photograph her models outdoorswith natural light. Matt Schudel wrote in The Washington Post that her imageswere vivid and dynamic, going on to say, "She favored active poses and adirect gaze at the camera lens, in what could be interpreted alternately asplayful innocence or pure lust." She met BettiePage in 1954, and took most of the photographs of her that year.During their brief collaboration she took over 1, 000 pictures of Page. Alongwith photographer Irving Klaw, Yeager played a role in helping tomake Page famous, particularly with her photos in Playboymagazine. American Photo magazine described Yeager's work with Page as"a body of imagery that remains some of the most memorable ? and endearing? erotica on record" in a 1993 article. The most famous images of Page byYeager include the January 1955 Playboy centerfold in which she kneelswearing only a Santa hat while hanging a silver ornament on a Christmas treeand a series of photographs with a pair of live cheetahs. Yeager was a very prolific andsuccessful pinup photographer in the 1950s and 1960s, so much so, that her workwas described as ubiquitous in that era. She continued to work extensively withPlayboy shooting eight centerfolds in addition to covers and pictorialspreads. She discovered Lisa Winters, the first Playmate of the Year.Yeager also appeared in the magazine as a model five times. One appearance withthe headline, "Queen of the Playboy Centerfolds", was photographed byHughHefner. Her work was also published inmainstream magazines including Cosmopolitan, Esquire, Pageant, Redbookand Women's Wear Daily. The famous stillimages she took of Ursula Andress emerging from the water onthe beach in Jamaica for the 1962 James Bond film Dr.No are probably her best known bikiniphotographs. She discovered many notable models. In the 1970s as men'smagazines became more anatomically graphic Yeager largely stopped photographingfor them, saying they were somewhat "smutty" and that, "They hadgirls showing more than they should." In 1998 she stated, "The kindof photographs they wanted was something I wasn't prepared to do." An exhibition titled "BeachBabes Bash" in the early 1990s at the Center for Visual Communication (atthat time located in Coral Gables, Florida) featured photographs by Yeager ofmodels from Miami on the beach from the 1950s. Another exhibit at the samegallery featuring Yeager's work was titled "Sex Sirens of theSixties." In 1992 Playboy published a retrospective of her worktitled "The Bettie Boom". Since 2002, Yeager's work has beenexhibited in contemporary art galleries.In early 2010, The Andy Warhol Museumheld the first major museum exhibition of Yeager's work.[8]The exhibit, "The Legendary Queen of the Pin Up", featured herself-portraits, some from her book How I Photograph Myself published byA.S. Barnes & Co. in 1964. "The Fabulous Bunny Yeager" an exhibitin 2011 at the Harold Golen Gallery in Miami also featuring self-portraits byYeager was of photographs that had not been exhibited previously. Also in 2011Helmut Schuster curated an exhibition for ArtBasel at the Dezer Schauhalle in Miami titled "Bunny Yeager:Retrospective to the Future" featuring over 200 of Yeager's photos.Included were some images that had not been shown before of models includingBettie Page. In 2012 Bunny Yeager had twoexhibitions in Germany, "Funland" at Gallery Schuster Potsdam and"Femme Fatale" in December 2012 at Gallery Schuster Berlin. The Museum of Art Fort Lauderdaleheld a 2013 exhibit, "Bunny Yeager: Both Sides of the Camera"featuring her photographs of herself, Page, and model Pazde la Huerta. The exhibit also included some of Yeager's first newpictures in twenty years. Yeager had a show at the Sofia Vault in Sofia, Bulgariain October 2013. The Gavlak Gallery in Palm Beach, Florida put on an exhibit, "Bunny Yeager: Selections from How I Photograph Myself" in2014. The Sin City Gallery in LasVegas held a posthumous exhibit, "Bunny's Bombshells", from June 5 to July 20 2014. She had her own studio in the Wynwood Art District of Miami, part of theCenter for Visual Communication. There is a "Bunny Yeager Lounge" inBerlin which is open to the public and shows photos, memorabilia and movies.Yeager was also founding editor and publisher of a trade magazine forentertainment professionals, Florida Stage & Screen. As of 1998 her24 books had sold over 1 million copies. Bunny Yeager was married twice, first to Arthur Irwin who died in 1977 and then to Harry Schaefer who died in2000. She had two daughters, Lisa and Cherilu. Yeager died on May 25, 2014 ofcongestive heart failure at age 85 in North Miami, Florida. Yeager's obituary in TheMiami Herald called her "one of the country?s most famousand influential photographers." She has been cited as influencing manyartists and photographers including DianeArbus, Cindy Sherman and YasumasaMorimura. Arbus called her, "the world?s greatest pinupphotographer."[4][13]In The New York Times, MargalitFox wrote, "She is widely credited with helping turn the eroticpinup ? long a murky enterprise in every sense of the word ? into highphotographic art." Her obituary in TheIndependent titled, "Bunny Yeager: Pin-up who moved behindthe camera to take influential, iconic shots of Bettie Page and UrsulaAndress" called her photographic technique pioneering and influential.The Washington Post reported she"helped define [the] art of erotic photography." Yeager is credited with helping topopularize the bikiniin America. The inspiration for the term "cheesecake" in reference toscantily clad women has been attributed to Yeager. Her books, including Photographingthe Female Figure which sold over 300, 000 copies, have influenced severalgenerations of photographers. On July 14, 1957, Yeager appeared onWhat's My Line?, stumping the panel.She was also on I've Got a Secret and ToTell the Truth. She was a guest on The Tonight Show StarringJohnny Carson in 1966 to discuss her book, How I PhotographMyself. In 1968 she played the role of a Swedish masseuse opposite FrankSinatra in Lady In Cement. She had bitparts in over half a dozen films including TonyRome, Midnight Cowboy, Porky's, Dogs of War, Absenceof Malice, Harry& Son and TheMean Season. Yeager also had small roles in a number oftelevision series including MiamiVice and made occasional appearances singing in Miaminightclubs. Yeager was played by SarahPaulson in the 2005 film The Notorious Bettie Page.She was also featured on a 2006 CNN story about the 60th anniversary of the bikini.In 2005, Cult Epics released the DVD 100 Girls by Bunny Yeager, adocumentary with behind-the-scenes footage on Yeager's photo sessions with Pageand other pin-up models. Books· Photographing the Female Figure. Greenwich, CT: Fawcett. 1957. · The Diane Weber Album. Compiled by George Harrison Marks. London:Kamera. 1959. · Bunny Yeager's Photo Studies. Louisville, KY: Whitestone. 1960. · How to Take Figure Photos. Louisville, KY: Whitestone. 1962. · Bunny Yeager's Art of Glamour Photography. Philadelphia: Chilton.1962. · How I Photograph Nudes. New York: A.S. Barnes. 1963. · How to Photograph the Figure. Louisville, KY: Whitestone. 1963. · How I Photograph Myself. New York: A.S. Barnes. 1964. · ABC's of Figure Photography. Louisville, KY: Whitestone. 1964. · 100 Girls: New Concept in Glamour Photography. South Brunswick, NJ:A.S. Barnes. 1965. · ?; Floreani, Tony (1965). Drawing the Human Figure Using Photographs.New York: A.S. Barnes. · Camera in the Caribbean. Louisville, KY: Whitestone. 1965. · Camera in Jamaica. London: Yoseloff. 1966. · Camera in Mexico. Greenwich, CT: Whitestone. 1967. · The 100 Calorie Miracle Diet. New York: Pinnacle.1975. · The Amazing 600 Calorie Model's Diet. West Nyack, NY: Parker. 1980. · Bettie Page Confidential. New York: St. Martin's. 1994. · ?; Kroll, Eric (1994). Bunny's Honeys (in English, French, andGerman). Cologne, DE: Taschen. · Bunny Yeager. 30 Postcards. 67. Cologne, DE: Taschen. 1995. · Betty Page. 30 Postcards. 78. Cologne, DE: Taschen. 1996. · Peepshow: 1950s Pin-ups in 3D. Hombrechtikon, CH: Olms. 2001. · Bunny Yeager's Pin-up Girls of the 1950s. Atglen, PA: Schiffer. 2002. · Bikini Girls of the 1960s. Atglen, PA: Schiffer. 2002. · Bunny Yeager's Bikini Girls of the 1950s. Atglen, PA: Schiffer. 2004.· Bunny Yeager's Pin-up Girls of the 1960s. Atglen, PA: Schiffer. 2005.· Bunny Yeager's Flirts of the Fifties. Atglen, PA: Schiffer. 2007. · Striptease Artists of the 1950s. Atglen, PA: Schiffer. 2008. · Femmes Fatales of the 1950s. Atglen, PA: Schiffer. 2008. · Bunny Yeager?s Bouffant Beauties. Atglen, PA: Schiffer. 2009. · Bunny Yeager?s Beautiful Backsides. Schiffer. 2012. · Mason, Petra.Bunny Yeager's Darkroom: Pin-up Photography's Golden Era. Foreword by Dita VonTeese; photographs by Bunny Yeager l year 2012 l Rizzoli(courtesy of Wikipedia)