中法战争影集 - Le Tonkin - Sino - French War - Edouard Hocquard - China Chinese Album
Item History & Price
Reference Number: Avaluer:2872775 | Region of Origin: Asia |
Subject: Historic & Vintage | Date of Creation: 1880-1889 |
Original/Reprint: Original Print | Photo Type: Albumen |
for the Sino-French War, also known as the Tonkin War from 1884 to 1885.
Content: Extremely rare set of 115 albumen prints on China, Vietnam and France in two volumes, in which 83 prints mounted singly and 15 prints mounted doubly, plus
two separated small prints (see the last photo). Sequence number of the set ranges from 1 to 240.
This set ...is incomplete but might be the largest set found until now from all sources.
Never see a complete set for this work before from internet.
Title: Le Tonkin (series of 1884 - 1885)
Medium: Albumen Print
Volume Dimension: 36.4 x 27.8 cm
作品简介: 此拍品为由巴黎 HENRY CREMNITZ 公司发行的套装散页出版物《东京》(LE TONKIN),内容为1884-1885年间摄影师查尔斯·奥卡尔在东京(今越南北部地区)拍摄的清法战争照片,涵盖了黑旗军战士、越南步兵、铁匠、苦力、中国大使、法军统帅及其参谋人员、中法官员谅山议和、谅山战场、法军士兵、法国炮队等众多内容,照片为伍德伯里法精印,是研究中法战争极为罕见的珍贵影像史料。
作者简介:查尔斯·奥卡尔(Charles-Édouard Hocquard 1853-1911)是一位法国医生和探险家,但却以摄影师的身份而闻名。他出生于法国南锡,后在巴黎学医,1883年自愿参加了法国在东京(TONKIN,越南北部地区)的探险队。他在此期间拍摄的照片在1885年安特卫普世博会上获得金奖,此后他也相继出版了数本相关内容的图书。